Subsidies Anonymous
Issues to Date
Subsidies Anonymous is an email newsletter distributed by the Thoreau Institute. Back issues are listed here in reverse chronological order. A few issues may not be listed if they essentially duplicate other articles available on the Institute's web site.
You are welcome to sign up to receive Subsidies Anonymous. If you have any comments, send email to rot@ti.org.
- Why does Congress continue to give the Forest Service so much money when it does so little?
- The Forest Service issues a rather self-serving report detailing what Chief Bosworth calls "analysis paralysis."
- The 2003 USDA budget includes a proposal for something that sounds like pilot forests.
- Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior should try pilot projects on federal lands.
- The Bush Administration will lose credibility if it tries to drill for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.
- Includes proposals that would save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars per year.
- A review of "The Idea of Biodiversity" by David Takacs
Is the environmental movement fragmenting into conservationists and preservationists? 12-6-97
The law allocating federal highway funds is up for reauthorization--but as written, it promotes congestion and pollution. 11-22-97
Light- or heavy-rail lines actual promote congestion because they carry so few people yet divert resources from activities that can reduce congestion. 10-21-97
New Urban planning will significantly increase congestion, pollution, and other urban ills. 10-16-97
The Forest Service releases the revised Tongass Forest plan. 8-28-97
Results for every national forest. 4-13-97
The Forest Service produces much less yets spends about the same. 2-28-97
Louisiana-Pacific gains a windfall when it terminates the last long-term timber contract. 2-26-97
- Senator Larry Craig proposes to reform a sinking Forest Service, but ends up just rearranging the deck chairs.
- A circuit court rules that the Forest Service has an incentive to overcut.
- How the salvage sale rider influences forest managers; also, a book review of Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares.
- Why the next Interior secretary is likely to take over the Forest Service.
- Small is beautiful.
- Some people have been bamboozled into thinking that nineteenth-century technology makes sense for twenty-first century cities.
- Regional government doesn't work.
- Are Americans getting their money's worth?
- The movement has become narrow and intolerant of dissent.
- by Craig Knowles.
- by Craig Knowles.
- Perennial predictions of timber famines never come true.
- Global warming is likely to depress timber prices because it will make trees grow faster.
Issues 1 through 7 each covered multiple topics.
Number 7, 2-6-96
- Oregon Elects a New Senator
- Forest Service Study Criticizes Timber Yield Tables
- Understanding RPA Recreation Values
- Hatfield Proposes Fee Legislation
Number 6, 1-10-96
- National Parks and the Budget Impasse
- "National" vs. "Local" Control
- Environmental Group High Bidder for Timber Sale
- Responses to Forest Principles
- Fee Hunting as an Alternative to Livestock Grazing
- Animal Damage Control Report from General Accounting Office
Number 5, 12-1-95
- Status of Range Reform
- The Draft 1995 RPA Program
- The Seventh American Forest Congress
- Means vs. Ends
- Recent GAO and CRS Reports
Number 4, 11-9-95
- Statement of Forest Principles
- The Outlook for Forest Reform
- National Forest Reform Act of 1996
- New Book on Public Lands
Number 3, 10-2-95
- Update on Public Rangelands
- Books for Libertarian Environmentalists
- Update on National Parks
- Defending Public Lands
Number 2, 9-6-95
- Update on Recreation User Fees
- How to Talk to Conservatives
- Book Review: Forfeiting Our Property Rights
- The Replicator Society
Number 1, 8-10-95
- Introduction to Subsidies Anonymous
- Update on Reinventing the Forest Service
- The Subsidies Anonymous Pledge
- Update on Recreation User Fees
- The Subsidies Anonymous Twelve-Step Program
- Update on Reforming the Park Service
- Essay on Polarization
- Update on Public Land Grazing
- Preview of Summer Different Drummer
Electronic Drummer |